Amazon Matcher Google Sheet
Source Amazon Products for Any Supplier with this Google Sheet!
Unlike popular sourcing softwares like Tactical Arbitrage this can be applied to ANY SUPPLIER!
You just need to get the supplier products titles, prices, and urls into the sheet and it does the rest.
This Google Sheet allows you to add product data from your supplier and automatically match the products to Amazon URLs. You must provide the product titles in order for matching to occur. Including price data from your supplier and using external software to pull Amazon prices will allow for profit calculations as well.
(This comes with a browser automation that gets the data from Amazon products and puts it in the sheet. This is a way to get the Amazon prices and some other data into the sheet if you don't have software such as Keepa)
I actually have some free resources you can access as well. You'll also get announcements and updates by email. Even if you are buying this resource I still recommend joining the list so you don't miss out on seller-related information.
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A copy of the original Google Sheet. Make a copy in order to edit your own copy.